Research Scientist (2009-present)
Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, PMI, 2014
Post-Graduation in Clinical Trials, ULHT, 2012
Post-Doctorate, BERG, IST, 2005 - 2009
Ph. D. in Biotechnology, IST, 2005
M. Sc. in Biotechnology, IST, 2000
Graduation in Technological Chemistry, FCUL, 1994
Research Activities
Comprehensive fields: Nanomedicine, Gene therapy, Stem Cells
- Setting-up gene delivery strategies specifically using non-viral vectors for overexpressing therapeutic proteins in stem cells for a limited period of time. In our hands, plasmid DNA with different contents in CpG motifs or minicircles with genes coding for therapeutic proteins have been delivered to stem cells associated with cationic liposomes or by physical methods.
- Gene Activated Matrices (GAM) for regenerative medicine applications, specially using hydrogels, enclosing lipoplexes or polyplexes, for gene controlled release.
Selected Publications
Madeira, C., Santhagunam, A., Salgueiro, J.B., Cabral, J.M.S. “Advanced cell therapies for articular cartilage regeneration” Trends in Biotechnology (2015) 33(1): 35–42.
Boura JS, Vance M, Yin W, Madeira C, da Silva CL, Porada CD, Almeida-Porada G, “Evaluation of gene delivery strategies to efficiently overexpress functional HLA-G on human bone marrow stromal cells”, Molecular Therapy-Methods & Clinical Development (2014) 1, 14041, doi:10.1038/mtm.2014.41
Santhagunam, A., Santos, F., Madeira, C., Salgueiro, J., Cabral, J., “Isolation and ex-vivo expansion of Synovial Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Cartilage Repair Cytotherapy (2014) 16(4):440-53
Boura, J., dos Santos, F., Gimble, J.M., Cardoso, C.M.P., Madeira, C., Cabral, J.M.S., da Silva, C.L., "Direct head-to-head comparison of cationic liposome-mediated gene delivery to mesenchymal stem/stromal cells of different human sources: a comprehensive study," Human Gene Therapy Methods (2013) 24(1): 38-48
Madeira, C.*, Rodrigues, C.A.V., Reis, M.S.C., Ferreira, F.C.G., Correia, R.E.S.M., Diogo, M.M., Cabral, J.M.S., “Non-viral gene delivery to neural stem cells with minicircles by microporation,” Biomacromolecules (2013) 14(5): 1251-1710
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