Assistant Professor
Post-Doctorate, BERG, IST, 2004 - 2008
PhD in Biotechnology, IST, 2004
M. Sc. in Biotechnology
(Biochemical Engineering), IST, 1999
Graduation in Industrial Chemistry, UBI, 1997
Research Activities
My current research activities are focused on the development of scalable platforms for the highly controlled expansion and differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC), including embryonic (hESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC), and hPSC-derived neural stem cells (NSC), mainly under xeno-free conditions. I am also focused on the development of novel scalable stem cell-based isolation and purification strategies and their integration with hPSC and hNSC expansion/differentiation platforms envisaging the development of large scale bioprocesses for production of hPSC- and hNSC-derivatives for regenerative medicine applications. Studies on the effect of different factors of the stem cell microenvironment, mainly the oxygen tension, have also been performed to aid in the rational design of hPSC- and hNSC-based bioprocesses. I have also been involved in several collaborations towards the development of microscale technologies, namely microfuidic devices and microarrays, to perform high-throughput studies on the effect of soluble and immobilized factors towards hPSC and hNSC fate and for the purification of hPSC derivatives.
Selected Publications
Diogo, M.M., da Silva C.L., Cabral J.M.S., Separation Technologies for Stem Cell Bioprocessing, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 109(11):2699-709 (2012).
Barbosa, H.S.C, Fernandes, T.G., Dias, T.P., Diogo, M.M., Cabral, J.M.S., New Insights into the Mechanisms of Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal under Hypoxia: a Multifactorial Analysis Approach, Plos One, 7(6):e38963 (2012).
Fernandes, T.G., Diogo, M.M., Fernandes-Platzgummer, A., da Silva, C.L., Cabral, J.M.S., Different stages of pluripotency determine distinct patterns of proliferation, metabolism, and lineage commitment of embryonic stem cells under hypoxia., Stem Cell Res., 5(1):76-89, (2010).
Fernandes, T.G., Kwon, S.J., Bale, S.S., Lee, M.Y., Diogo, M.M., Clark, D.S., Cabral, J.M.S., Dordick, J.S., Three-dimensional cell culture microarray for high-throughput studies of stem cell fate., Biotechnol. Bioeng., 106(1):106-18, (2010).
Fernandes, A.M., Fernandes, T.G., Diogo, M.M., da Silva, C.L., Henrique, D., Cabral, J.M.S., Mouse embryonic stem cell expansion in a microcarrier-based stirred culture system., J. Biotechnol., 132(2):227-36, (2007).
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