Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in U.S. and Instituto Superior Técnico of Portugal Sign Collaboration Agreement
16th May 2013
Two Institutes Will Work Together on Research, Student Exchange, Joint Master’s and Doctoral Theses, Faculty/Staff Exchange, and Other Efforts
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Instituto Superior Técnico of Portugal today announced an agreement to collaborate on a number of fronts, ranging from research to student and faculty/staff exchange.
“This agreement is the result of an effective and very fruitful cooperation that has been developed in the last 10 years between the Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (IBB) at IST and the Center of Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies at Rensselaer, which has involved joint Ph.D. and post-doctoral researchers and projects,” said Joaquim M.S. Cabral, director of IBB and professor of biological engineering at IST. “Recently, an international Ph.D. program on ‘Bioengineering: Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine,’ coordinated by IST, was approved by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. The participation of Rensselaer in this program brings their expertise and strength in biomaterials, tissue engineering, and nanobiotechnology to this effort as well as its international dimension, leading to a unique platform to foster new knowledge and scientific advances in regenerative medicine.” For further details click on
NSF Stem Cell Engineering Webcast
24th May 2012
Professor Joaquim S. Cabral and Prof. Cláudia L. da Silva meet with a U.S. based panel for its International Assessment of Stem Cell Engineering. They also participated in the final workshop for this study that is available online at click on.
Inauguration of the Clean Room facilities at the SCBL
7th December 2012
Reportagem SIC-Visão
On the News, 4th October 2012
Tarde Informativa - National Television Program on the opening of the new SCBL-RM facilities
On the News, September 2011
New SCBL-RM facilities at TagusPark
On the News, 19th September 2011
Falar Global - National Television Program on Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
On the News, 30th January 2010
World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the New Champions "Summer Davos"
Events, 10-12th September 2009
Cláudia Lobato da Silva was nominated as an outstanding young scientist by the InterAcademy Panel/World Economic Forum to participate in the Annual Meeting of the New Champions "Summer Davos" (Dalian, China)
“Jovens Investigadores UTL/Deloitte 2009” Award (Young Researcher Award)
Award, 23rd June 2009
Cláudia Lobato da Silva was distinguished with the Jovens Investigadores UTL/Deloitte 2009 Award in the scientific domains of Biological Engineering, Biochemistry and Biotechnology sponsored by the Technical University of Lisboa and Deloitte.
Nós por cá - National Television Program on Stem Cell Research
On the News, 17th April 2009
UTL/Santander Totta Scientific Award 2008
Award, 4th December 2008
Professor Joaquim M. Sampaio Cabral wins "Prémio Científico UTL/Santander Totta 2008" in Biological Engineering, Biochemistry and Biotecnology. The award is the recognition of the scientific work and career and is sponsored by Santander Totta bank. The award ceremony will take place on the 4th of December 2008 at IST.
First Annual FLAD Educational Innovation Awards 2008
Award, 15th September 2008
For more information click here.
National Television Program on Leukemia
In the news, 16th July 2008
For more information click here (16/07/08 program).
National Television Program on Innovation - Geração HighTech
In the news, September 2008
4th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies (SPCE-TC)
Events, 15th July 2008
For more information click here.
Ciência 2008
Events, 4th July 2008
The Associate Laboratory Institute for Biotechnology and Bioenginnering was presented on Friday (session: Biologia, Biotecnologia e Bioquímica).
Professor Cláudia Lobato da Silva presented the topic Cellular therapy with mesenchymal stem cells (session: Células Estaminais e Medicina Regenerativa).
Graduate students from the lab enroled in the MIT|Portugal program participated on the Bio-Teams session.
For more information click here.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Project
Events, 11th January 2008
For more information click here.